Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:35 pm
i think it almost impossible to fail an nvq,i have never heard of any fails
when i was an apprentice, lads used to get fired down the road on a regular basis
i have to say though ,we had a silver trowel working with us and he was way to slow to earn a living laying bricks
and as the young lad tells me now, he is building chimneys and elliptical arches at college,why dont they just get them building normal cavity walls like they will be doing day in day out?
in 25 years i have built 2 chimneys and 3 elliptical arches,but this is the BS the course asks for
when i questioned the assessor she just shrugged her shoulders
when i was an apprentice, lads used to get fired down the road on a regular basis
i have to say though ,we had a silver trowel working with us and he was way to slow to earn a living laying bricks
and as the young lad tells me now, he is building chimneys and elliptical arches at college,why dont they just get them building normal cavity walls like they will be doing day in day out?
in 25 years i have built 2 chimneys and 3 elliptical arches,but this is the BS the course asks for
when i questioned the assessor she just shrugged her shoulders