Damp course

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2002 5:54 pm

Post: # 960Post Heavyweight

I'm having problems sorting out a new surface for my driveway - my pipes are not very deep at all .

My question is if I concreted my driveway it would mean going to within a couple of inches of the DPC - obviously not acceptable - can I get round this by leaving a gap between the concrete drive and the bungalow wall - if yes how big a gap would I need ?

The drive runs down hill and away from the bungalow so any water should disperse quickly.

Thanks Hev


Post: # 964Post 84-1093879891

Have a look at the DPC page - it has a few possible solutions to this problem, and it's easier looking at the drawings than trying to figure out what I mean in along drawn-out text. :)

Post back to this thread if you've any further questions.

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2002 5:54 pm

Post: # 966Post Heavyweight

Thanks Tony.

As you say the illustrations are easier to follow than text
I guess as long as I am min 200mm away from the wall and 150mm below DPC things should be OK the drive falls downwards to a drain at the end of the bungalow so all the water should run down to the drain - the drain being 5 courses of bricks below DPC.

Question. (there had to be a question ;-)

Would you suggest lining the bottom of the gully with slabs for the water to run down hill or would you just use some decorative shingle to enhance the look ? the fall of the gully would be something like 5 bricks depth over a distance of 30mtrs approx.

Thanks again Tony - I'm sure you have saved people loads of expense time and effort with this site - keep it up - it's very much appreciated



Post: # 968Post 84-1093879891

If this is part of your concrete driveway job mentioned elsewhere, then use the same paving blocks to line the base of the channel. The trouble with using a deco gravel in the channel is that it collects crud, it's all but impossible to clean out any litter that collects there, and you can't see the damned stuff, anyway!

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