Garage door opening

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Posts: 186
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:50 pm
Location: manchester

Post: # 68207Post joydivision

On most garages, I have noticed that the garage door and frame is recessed back from the face of the external brickwork. Not just by the standard 30mm or whatever like a standard window/door, but by circa 150/200m.
The external brickwork is returned round at the opening, forming a kind of pier, allowing the facework to be visable right upto the door. Im not then sure how this works with the blockwork/vertical dpc etc on the inside.

What is the reason for this, and would it be fine just to build a standard opening, like you would for a window/door and return the blockwork on the inside as standard, (if its being left as facework), and fit the garage door on the external leaf, again as you would with a window/door?

Just an observation I have noticed recently!


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