Grass manhole covers?

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Joined: Tue Jul 30, 2002 1:49 pm

Post: # 646Post Rob

Have had a quick shufti through previous posts but found no reference to this...

I have two very rusty, unsafe and unsightly 2' x 1.5' manhole covers in my lawn. Are there such things as grassy manhole covers or less obvious green plastic ones and where can I get them (and doesn't the grass die)... or any other ideas?




Post: # 648Post 84-1093879891

There was a fibreglass insert, sold during the late 80s/early 90s, that could be filled with soil, planted up with grass or bedding or whatvere you fancied, and used to replace the standard cover on a 600x450mm Inspection Chamber.

Brilliant idea, you'd think! And it was, until some kiddie jumped up and down on top of a grass-filled unit and the fibre-glass gave way, sending the kiddie down into the chamber, scratching legs, denting pride and incensing parents.

They were withdrawn shortly after, but you can acheive more or less the same by using a steel recess tray cover, safe ibn the knowledge that, as they are tested and approved to carry the weight of your average family Armoured Personnel Carrier, they are more than capable of withstanding even the most determined of kids jumping up and down. :)

Drill half a dozen 10-15mm holes in the tray, line the base with a membrane of some type (Plantex, terram or an old pair of tights will do, fill with a sandy soil, and turf it! Fix the frame as sdescribed on the Recess Covers page, and, once it;s set, just lift the tray into place and voilá . :)

A 600x450mm galvanised recces tray and frame will cost you less than 50 quid from most BMs.

Good luck!

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