Pipe Bedding for Filter Drain

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 574Post 67-1093879094

In you r pages on LAnd Drainage for Fields and Gardens, you have some great diagrams showing what goes into the trench, but I can't find a description of the bottom layer - "Pipe Bedding". What kind of material is this ?


Post: # 577Post 84-1093879891

It's usually a 20-5mm clean gravel, but, as different gravels are sold throughout the UK/RoI, the actual spec varies from region to region. Use whatever is reasonably priced in your area - as long as it's in the 20-5mm grading envelope (eg, a 10mm or a 15-8mm would be OK), and it's clean (no fines) it will do.

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