Depth of gravel for a driveway - Gravel depth

Setts and cobbles, tarmac, asphalt, resin systems, concrete whether it's plain, patterned or stencilled, gravels, etc.
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Post: # 5551Post 74-1096815007

I wish to lay a gravel driveway on a good sub-base, however the top of the sub-base is only 4inches below the top of the path around the house. I don't want the gravel to be level with the top of the path, so would 2-3 inches be deep enough for a gravel driveway, which will have vehicle traffic over it?

Advice please? oh... and what gravel size would be ideal for my purposes.




Post: # 5567Post 76-1096815074

I.M.P. If you have a good existing subase, then 2-3" of 3/4" (18mm) or there about gravel size will work fine.


Post: # 5574Post 74-1096815007

A change of plan .....

My partner now want the gravel to BE LEVEL with the top of the concrete footpaths around the house, but seeing at the sub-base (3inch down - thats what we call the sub-base stone here in Eire) is 4 inches below the top of the footpath, would it be OK to top the sub-base with say a 1-2 inch down stone and then dress that with approx 2 inches of 10mm gravel.


Post: # 5583Post 65-1096814500

Even two inches is too deep in my mind. You should be aiming for aroun 30mm of 10mm dia. gravel, otherwise will end up wadeing through it.
Bring base up to required level and compact well prior to adding gravel.

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Post: # 5603Post TonyMcC

I've been involved with a lot of gravel driveways in Ireland and the usual spec is to lay the sub-base, which should be the "inch-n-half down" rather than 3" down, to a level that's only 25-35mm below finished paving level, and then use a scattering of gravel, 25-35mm at most, to cover the sub-base.

2" of gravel is difficult to walk across and a pain to drive on. 3" is a bloody gravel trap!

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