What is the best way to bed 40mm patio slabs inside a recess tray? Weak cement?
I also have another deeper recess tray that was for block paving, but now i am slabbing instead! Is it OK to make up the depth with with weak cement, say 6:1 cement/builders sand? I cannot remove this deeper tray now!
Recess trays - Fitting slabs into recess trays
Mortar, you mean, not "weak cement".
The flags should be bedded on a mix of grit sand and cement within the tray. I advocate a 10:1 mix; some will use 6:1 or even 4:1, but I cab't see what benefit there is in using all that additional cement. A 10:1 mix will not be going anywhere, and, for patio work, it's not likely to be trafficked by HGVs!
The flags should be bedded on a mix of grit sand and cement within the tray. I advocate a 10:1 mix; some will use 6:1 or even 4:1, but I cab't see what benefit there is in using all that additional cement. A 10:1 mix will not be going anywhere, and, for patio work, it's not likely to be trafficked by HGVs!