Greywater soakaway - How far from a river ?

Foul and surface water, private drains and public sewers, land drains and soakaways, filter drains and any other ways of getting rid of water.
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Post: # 42866Post Jux1a

I have been asked to install a soakaway for greywater ( washing machine) from a house about 300 metres from a river . Also with the water table not far from the surface. Is this lawful ? What is the minimum distance allowed , Ands will it work any way with the water table near the surface. Perhaps it would be better with a leach field ? But would the lawn that it would be beneath still be usable?
Julius JW Bell

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Post: # 42870Post Mikey_C

you can not discharge foul water into a soakaway (washing machine output, would be classed as foul). This is because the detergents and detritus would eventually siltup/block the soakaway, regarless of its proximatey to a river/ water table level.

greywater is normally defined as a water that contains little on no small particles/chemicals but not fit for human consumption. This would include a well filtered rain water for example.

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