I have started paving 108sqm of Tarmac Antique 50's. Have dug out the area over last week to allow for 4-5" of MOT Type 1 and hit hard clay. Before I got the whole area covered with MOT it rained and I now have puddles every where. Can I just put the MOT over/into the puddles to cover the water or do I have to get it dry first?
if yo whack mot when theres water in / below it, the water will rise, giving you a 'floaty' base. Sometimes if the water situation is very bad, ill install a little soakaway, or if its not too bad id mix some cement through the mot and whack then leave it overnight.
Many thanks for that. Tidied up the wet areas nicely. Do I need to do anything to the areas of MOT that have already been wackered or will they be fine? Seem very solid - solid enough to not let any water in now.