Laying slabs over a number of days - How do you pick up the mortar bed?

Patio flagstones (slabs), concrete flags, stone flags including yorkstone and imported flagstones.
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Post: # 114494Post 72-1503006712

Hi Folks,

Thanks for having me.

I'm just about to embark on laying a 3m x 3m riven-effect concrete patio. I've done all the prep with a good amount of sub-base and have bought about 6 bags of sharp sand and 4 cement; I'm intending to go with a full mortar bed.

My question is whether I can lay a few slabs and then pick it up a later date (i.e. split the laying process over a couple of days)? My main reasons for approaching this way are:

1. I don't drive and would need to get the extra sand and cement delivered (and a jumbo bag doesn't fit down the side alley)
2. I'm a complete novice, so spanning a few days would give me chance to review my methods and take my time getting it right
3. Weather
4. Slightly dodgy knees

If it's feasible, how would I make sure the new mortar bed binds in with the existing mortar (under the slabs I would've laid in a previous session)?

I've hunted high and low with a plethora of search terms but I can't find any information.

If all of the slabs need to be laid in one session, so be it, I'll just have to wait until I've got enough sand and cement to do the whole lot and get up extra early :)

Many thanks.

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Post: # 114495Post seanandruby

You can lay one slab, or a dozen. It is up to you how long you want to take. Make sure you cut the morter back to the edge of previous slab when you finish for the day, week, month, or year :;): :)


Post: # 114496Post 72-1503006712

So just to confirm, will the fresh mortar bed bond okay to the existing mortar that might've dried out a bit? I'm wary of creating weak points, cracks or fissures where the old/new join - is there more chance of this if the edges are straight?

Apologies for all the questions :)


Quaife Landscapes
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Post: # 114512Post Quaife Landscapes

Chop your edges and spread the excess mortar low with a trowel 👍

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