Lower back support - For those with bad backs

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Post: # 108003Post Forestboy1978

OK so I bought this back support for quatting in the gym and bent over barbel row amongst others. I did my research and it basically provides "some" support the lower back but not total support like a weight belt. This is what I was after as I didn't want to weaken my lower back and become dependent on the support.

Well, it's comfortable and works very well for what I wanted it for so I had an idea. Wear it at work. I feel like I've found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Even days where I'm using the breaker a lot or just up and down all day picking things up off the ground I'm going home with a 95% reduction in lower back pain. Yeah I can still feel it if I've used my back but it really holds you together tight so you're kinda forced to adopt good posture. The difference is night and day.

Just wanted to mention it for those who either have a dodgy back or are getting a bit older and feeling it a little more.


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Post: # 108004Post seanandruby

It's later on life you will feel it. It's giving you a false sense of security, you believe now that you can do jack hammering all day long and it'll be ok. My hands, knees in fact all joints are knackered now because of all those tasks. Arthur ritus gets us all eventually :)

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Post: # 108005Post mickg

your spot on sean, have you tried using Tiger Balm

I have got issues with my knees, started out of the blue possibly due to the cold damp weather for 3 months we experienced last year, had x-rays and turns out early signs of arthritis, had the injection in my knee 3 weeks ago, its stopped me from limping which was a result and I am currently seeing the physiotherapist and being given exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles what relate to the knee

some days can't walk more than 100 metres before the pain is excruciating, every morning I rub a little of the tiger balm into my knees and calf's and it get me through the day with almost no pain now but I am doing the stretching exercise's on and off all day long while I am working

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Post: # 108006Post seanandruby

Yes Mick exercising is the best thing for anything.
I have all sorts of creams, gels etc: i try not to do awkward, or heavy lifting but because of years of abuse it sometimes just goes. Not saying the belt won't help support you when lifting but you do need to do preventive exercise to. Try ease off and share the breaking out because once You get HAVS it is so painful m8. I have it and like a twat was breaking down pile caps all week :p

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Post: # 108008Post Forestboy1978

I'm really talking about lower back specifically as it makes you conscious of posture for one, whether it be picking up a pencil off the ground or squatting down to lift 2 bags of cement and it greatly reduces rounding and arching of the spine whilst performing minor or major load activities when you aren't so conscious of posture.

Of course it will NOT help with the general deleterious effects of breaking or digging etc. on all the rest of the joints. I agree, exercise is needed. Lifting for bone density and muscular support and stretching/ foam rolling for muscles tendons and joints.

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Post: # 108013Post exoticpete

I take high strength cod liver oil and glucosamine tabs daily and also go to karate once a week with my son the stretching warm ups certainly help ( not so sure about the slaps from the black belts though..!) but as you said Mick he damp and cold are the main enemy
I wish i worked outside...

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Post: # 108014Post bodgeitandscarper

Pilates is apparently the best exercise for backs. Using a back brace will make your back weaker so no point. Through personal experience and having a great physio the midway point of bending over that's the problem, you should be either standing straight or at a right angle, if that makes sense. Don't lift heavy, awkward weights and if bent over for long periods take regular breaks. Use the right tools and don't skimp on cost. Muscles also have a memory and will seize up after an injury to protect the area even after its healed so need to retrain the muscle and help it forget. Sounds bull sh@t but it's true!
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Post: # 108017Post rxbren

I keep a can of deep heat in the glove box sometimes comes in handy the one issue I get with breaking out for hours at a time is forearm cramp which sucks

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Post: # 108030Post cookiewales

I have one only use when needed it helps if your working hard your back will always ache it's called work it's what we do were all knocking on now 20 tons of setts through my hands for weeks on end give you a good back with good practice . Bit hard for me now slowing down and lll getting quicker ps put on the deep heat before you start it helps stay of them knees mickg

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